Sustainability Report

Applied science-based sustainability

Applied, science-based sustainability is a mantra at BioMar, and data quality is key. We have very competent and skilled global and local teams working with cutting-edge tools and methods for the most optimal sustainability solutions for ourselves and for our customers. We will all reach our targets sooner by collaboration through the value chain.

Explore our Sustainability Report

We strive to impact the industry and the planet beyond what we have ever done before. 

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Milestones achieved by 2023

  • -11,9% carbon footprint

  • 29% of raw materials

  • 45.009 people reached

Our targets for 2030

We have made a set of ambitious targets designed to tackle the most critical areas for the planet and its people where aquaculture can have the greatest positive impact.

Our targets

Responsibly sourced marine ingredients

Marine ingredients are limited resources that should be used responsibly. We harvest from well-managed fish stocks and have chosen technologies that create natural omega-3s. This way, we create innovative feeds for clever aquaculture. 
Our usage 2023

Download previous reports

BioMar has a longstanding and strong commitment to sustainability. We have produced our sustainability reports for decades, developing sustainable and responsible solutions throughout our activities.