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Đặc Điểm Sản Phẩm

Extruded granulates of the highest quality for early feeding of larvae and fry. High protein extruded feed, based on the highest quality proteins and lipids and a minimal number of carbohydrates.

  • Formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of larvae and fry, resulting in high quality, strong fry.

  • Three sifting processes during production ensure dust-free feed with high physical quality.

  • Highly attractive and digestible feed.

  • Contains Bactocell® & B-WYSE™*.

*Bactocell is the only probiotic that is approved by the European Commission for its ability to potentially reduce deformities across fish species.

B-WYSE™ (BioMar Whole Yeast Synergistic Extracts) is a functional yeast-based additive developed by BioMar’s partner Lallemand Animal Nutrition.

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