Our Promise

BioMar made a promise, to our planet and its people, with a set of ambitious targets that will seek to aid in the regeneration of our environment while enabling humanity to thrive.

Climate Action

BioMar is at the forefront of emissions reduction within our industry, and we pledged our commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) aligning our operational targets with the 1.5°C pathway to mitigate climate change.

This commitment was marked by our adoption of near-term targets for 2030, a crucial step for setting the stage for future sustainability achievements. We will reevaluate how to credibly set a long-term net-zero target based on experience from the near-term masterplan.

As these targets are aligned with the 1.5°C pathway, this underscores our leadership and commitment to this global challenge.


Milestones in 2023

  • BioMar total feed GHG footprint: 1.91 tonnes CO2/tonne feed (-11.9% from baseline 2020) 

  • Scope 1 & 2 SBTi status: -15.3% from baseline 2020 (Market-based approach) 

  • Scope 3 SBTi status: -12.5% from baseline 2021 

  • Achieved scope 1 and 2 emissions reductions through low carbon technological solutions and fuel optimisation 

  • Achieved scope 3 reductions through strategic sourcing and supplier improvement programmes 

Download our Climate Action Milestones 2023

Targets for 2030

  • Reduce BioMar total feed greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint by 1/3 by 2030 

  • Meet our science-based targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) aligned with reductions required to keep global warming to less than 1.5°C 

  • We commit to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2020 base year 

  • We commit to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and upstream and distribution 30% by 2030 from a 2021 base year 

  • Ambition to become Net-Zero within our own operations by 2045, baseline 2020 

Circular & Restorative

At BioMar, we take action for our areas of responsibility. We encourage and stimulate restorative practices in our supply chain and have set targets for minimum inclusion levels of circular and restorative ingredients.

BioMar considers raw materials originating from by-products and waste streams to be circular. We seek to decouple feed supply chains from direct competition with food for human consumption.

We define restorative ingredients as raw materials that significantly shift the balance between ecosystem impacts and human production systems. The goal is to stimulate net-positive environmental outcomes compared to time-bound relevant benchmarks.


Milestones in 2023

  • 29% Circular and/or Restorative ingredients 

  • Submitted manuscripts to scientific journals to document our improved biodiversity coverage of our Restorative method 

  • Announced new partnership with French insect meal supplier Agronutris, building on years of long-term collaboration with insect meal producers with special focus on valorisation of low-value substrates (by-products) 

  • Record-low FFDR of 0.67 achieved through overall lower inclusion of marine ingredients, higher trimmings share and several new partnerships launched within circular marine by-products 

  • Partneredship with key suppliers to promote restorative practices, including regenerative agriculture 

  • Advanced scientific platform cooperation with closer to commercialisation for several low-impact circular fermentation companies being close to commercialisation. 

Download our Circular & Restorative Milestones 2023

Targets for 2030

  • 50% Circular & Restorative ingredients in our feed by 2030 

  • We seek to decouple feed supply chains from directly competing with food for human consumption 

  • Increase the use of Circular ingredients 

  • Increase the use of Restorative ingredients 

  • Annual reporting on hotspot raw material compliance 

  • Increased evidence-based transparency 

Enable People

At BioMar, we actively engage our entire value chain as we believe we can create a far-reaching impact on the world through Capacity Building, which lies at the core of all resilient societies. 

We provide training courses and development programmes for employees, farmers and communities. We actively engage in third-party agricultural and fishery improvement programmes and supplier improver initiatives. Through these initiatives, we aim to directly enable 100,000 people annually by 2030. 

We promote human and labour rights through initiatives like responsible pay and diversity targets. Through innovation, we create aquafeeds that enable people to make healthier and more sustainable food choices. We continue our commitment to actively participate in the public debate about sustainable nutrition. 


Milestones in 2023

  • More than 45,000 people were impacted by Capacity Building initiatives. 

  • 97% of the workforce are paid at or above living wage level, slightly decreasing from 98% in 2022. 

  • Among our employees, we have a net promotor score of 49, increasing from 45 in 2022. This positions BioMar in top 10% of the manufacturing industry. 

  • The underrepresented gender in management increased from 26% to 27%. In general, there are 21% women in the total workforce. 34% of all new managers hired were women. 

  • The West Africa Working Group was launched through the Global Round Table to improve ESG impacts of fisheries. 

  • BioMar contributed to a social audit of impacts from the marine ingredients industry in Senegal and Mauritania. 

Download our Enable People Milestones 2023

Targets for 2030

  • 100,000 people directly and indirectly engaged in Capacity Building initiatives annually by 2030 

  • All salaries above living wage level 

  • 100% equal progression through career levels 

  • 100% equal pay 

Results (73)

    Face your challenges!

    The young generation of eel farmers is energetic and proud.

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    Supporting “Blue Food, Green Solutions” at Aqua 2024

    BioMar supports paving the way towards Blue Food and Green Solutions by being the Gold Sponsor of the AQUA 2024 event.

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    Life is always risky

    Exploiting the potential of fish farming is complex.

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    Smart Upcycling - Reducing nutrient waste improves carbon footprint

    Innovation within circular marine supply chains is reducing BioMar’s carbon footprint. BioMar’s continuous improvement on reducing wild caught fish in our aquafeeds has launched several new partnerships and investments in the circular economy.

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    I am proud of my own product!

    Chris Huisman was not born into fish farming.

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    Flexibility is an absolute must

    The young generation of fish farmers is fully aware that it requires a flexible and entrepreneurial belief to cope with the ups and downs that come with animal husbandry.

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    Always keep moving forward

    Fish farming in difficult times requires an open mindset based on agility and flexibility.

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    You must be crazy to farm eel!

    Young fish farmers have an optimistic approach to their endeavours. Jan Götting is one of them.

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    Initiatives for the preservation of European eel

    Artificial reproduction of European eel has not yet been successful in scalable volumes.

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    Always keep moving forward

    Fish farming in difficult times requires an open mindset based on agility and flexibility.

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    Yield10 Bioscience and BioMar aim to grow fish oil on land

    Yield10 Bioscience and BioMar Group have signed an agreement to form a long-term partnership to commercialise a Camelina crop.

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    New ship for BioMar Tasmania to New Zealand route

    BioMar’s new vessel set to accelerate Tasmania’s exports to New Zealand.

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